Pema Norbu is born and grew up in Tsum Chhokangparo. Pema started his journey to trekking tourism from 2013, beginning as a sup-porter and gradually transitioning to trekking guide, leader and as an operation manager. As part of family travel enterprise, Pema mainly held his inspiration as well as experience while working and organizing trips to Tsum and Manaslu. As an operation manager, his first role is to make sure guides and supporting staff are well paid, insured as well as trained in language, first-aid, rescue-evacuation. His other roles are to make sure of keeping bills and working with auditor to complete yearly auditing other administrative works. However, his main passion is on curating and designing the treks in consultation with clients and ground realities and changes.
Besides his involvement in the industry, Pema is social science student and determined to preserve and record the cultural aspects of Himalaya, mainly in his hometown. With his experience working with local elderly as well as researchers in different discipline, Pema takes the best advantage in keeping himself up to date with contemporary social and environmental concerns such as climate change, trekking tourism and indigenous knowledge.
“The mountain is our humble abode and we are her cherished, responsible guardians”, the true word from his mother, Pasang Dolma. Pema always carries her advice from heart and takes forward to create employment opportunities through responsible and sustainable mountain tourism.